How To Play Long Innings In Cricket (5 Amazing Tips)

Cricket is a game of patience and every player should have patience if he/she wants to become a great cricketer. Cricket is not limited to a T-20 game, it is much more than that. A real player is who adjusts as per the formats.

Players like Virat Kohli is not known because he has good skills and make runs in almost every match but because of his perseverance and adjusting according to the situation. He plays fast in T-20 format and defensive in Test Cricket.

Playing long innings is much harder than hitting some shorts and scoring few runs and then getting out. Players who make some runs and get out don’t last longer in the Cricket world. The player who can play attacking as well as long innings are chosen and prioritized.

It is very hard to learn and master the skill of long innings and defensive shots. It is much harder then it looks. The people who don’t know Cricket often hats the players who play slowly but players who start slowly and play long innings are the players who build big scores.

So, in this post we will learn how to master the skill of defensive shots and how to play long innings in Cricket. So, let’s get started.

1. Selection of shots

How To Play Long Innings In Cricket

This is the main reason why batsman fails to play a long innings. I have seen many players who start playing sweep shot or any other shot in the starting of the match which is the main reason why they can’t play a long innings. Remember, don’t play any risky shot until you are very good at that shot and you understand that pitch perfectly.

If you want to play a long innings in Cricket then play more defensive shots and not attacking shots. Don’t do experiment with he shots in the match.

2. Leave the ball

How To Play Long Innings In Cricket

Leaving the ball is as important as playing the ball. Leaving the ball initially helps you to stay at the pitch for more time and gives you time for becoming comfortable to play. It also helps to know the conditions and bounce of the pitch.

When leaving the ball remember to leave the ball from a suitable distance. Don’t leave the ball when bowler is continuously in-swinging the ball and if the ball is coming in the line of wicket.

3. Rotate strike

How To Play Long Innings In Cricket

Rotating strike is very important as it gives you some time to rest and see the pitch. It also helps to see the ball and you can read the mind of the bowler. Rotating strike releases the pressure of less run from the batsman. So, whenever you want to play a long inning make sure that you are rotating strike consistently.

4. Focus on the ball

Every player come at the pitch with the mindset of playing good and not getting out but as the time goes he/she loses some focus. I have also faced it. When we start our inning, we focus more on the ball which is good but with the flow of time our focus decrease which is very big mistake.

Almost every player get out because of this mistake. We should always focus on the ball and always play every ball like it is your first ball. This will help you to play a long inning and this is one of the best tip i would like to give for your question that how to play long innings in Cricket.

5. Improve your stamina

How To Play Long Innings In Cricket

Improving stamina is one of the most important tips to play long innings in Cricket. Without this, you can’t play a long inning. Improving your stamina is the most important point. If your stamina is good then you can play a long inning easily if your batting techniques are good. Below are some tips to increase your stamina.

  • Eat healthy foods
  • Do regular work out
  • Take a proper rest

For more you can refer this post.

All these tips will help you to play a long innings in Cricket easily. Hope you got your answer for the question(How To Play Long Innings In Cricket). Read our article on 7 Amazing Cricket Batting Tips.

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